Lead Beneficiary – Chamber of Grevena

The Chamber of Grevena (LB) will assign a project manager as a focal communication point. The Project Manager of LB will work in the project meetings, LB reporting and project reporting. One accountant will be assigned by the LB to work in LB reporting and project reporting. One economist, or other staff member with proven experience in economics and business administration will be assigned by the LB to work in the project meetings, in the application of CBTB Brand and in the collection of the evaluation grids and the preparation of the report.
Furthermore, one expert in communications & restrictions of European funded projects will work on the Communication Plan which will include the analysis of the activities concerning mainly the actions/ deliverables of WP2 plus all the information elements regarding the project as a whole. In addition, 2 senior experts will work in the identification of common traditional products of the cross-border area. This study includes an analytical list of the traditional and local products that are produced, cultivated and originated in the c/b area. The common products will be further analyzed and presented. Furthermore, 2 senior experts will work in the definition of Traditional Breakfast of the Cross-Border area (CBTB). Specifically, this deliverable concerns the registration of all the common traditional & local products that are usually used for breakfast, traditional recipes (like pies, special soups and cakes) that are usually served for breakfast. This deliverable will be connected and will enrich the “Greek Breakfast Initiative” and any other similar initiative or project that was implemented in Albania. Moreover, a team of 5 experts will work for the development of CBTB branding scheme. The implementation of this deliverable requires the work of a team of experts in branding, marketing, development of corporate identity, branding procedure, restrictions, rules and requirements. As well as, the financial resources requirements of the Lead Beneficiary will cover the cost of two project meetings, the cost of the Final Conference, the cost of the Annual Gastronomy Festival in Grevena, the cost for the organization of the workshops, the cost of project website and the cost of the organization of B2B event. Furthermore, in the frame of the communication of the programme the LB should print a promotional material, the CBTB Booklet. For the evaluation of pilot application, an expert evaluator will prepare the pilot actions which are the most important action/ deliverable of the CBTB project. Finally, a senior project manager (expert), with more than 10 years’ experience, will be assigned by LB in order to prepare the LB Reporting and the Project Reporting. The total budget for human and financial requirements of LB is € 248.677,5.

PB2 – Chamber of Corfu

The Chamber of Corfu (PB2) will assign a project manager as a focal communication point. The Project Manager of PB2 will work in 2 project meetings, in PB Reporting, in Project Website, in the Annual Gastronomy Festival in Corfu and in the application of the CBTB Brand. One accountant will be assigned by the PB2 to work in PB2 Reporting. One economist, or other staff member with proven experience in economics and business administration will be assigned by the Chamber of Corfu to work in two project meetings. The economist will be responsible in the application of CBTB Brand, for the personal communication with tourism enterprises that have indicated their interest for applying the CBTB Brand (during the info-days for example, or the web-tools) in order to prepare the list of the tourism enterprises that will be included in the pilot action and for the preparation/ collection of the evaluation grids and the preparation of the report. Finally, one staff member with proven experience or expertise in the field of public relations and/or organization of events will be assigned by the Chamber of Corfu to work in the Annual Gastronomy Festival in Corfu and in the design and development of CBTB Brand.
In the frame of External Expertise and Services, PB2 will hire one senior expert in the field of the identification of common traditional products of the c/b area. The senior expert study will include an analytical list of the traditional and local products that are produced, cultivated, originated in the c/b area. The common products will be further analyzed and presented. Furthermore, two senior experts will work in the definition of Traditional Breakfast of the Cross-Border area (CBTB). This deliverable concerns the registration of all the common traditional & local products that are usually used for breakfast, traditional recipes (like pies, special soups and cakes) that are usually served for breakfast. Moreover, the PB2 in the frame of the programme will cover the cost of the 2nd project meeting which will be organized in Corfu, the cost of the organization of one Annual Gastronomy Festival in Corfu, the cost for the organization of info-days, the cost for the organization of 2 separate workshops, the cost for printed promotional materials, a total of 400 posters (100 per project beneficiary) and the participation cost in the B2B event in Grevena through the travel and accommodation expenses for 50 representatives of enterprises. As external expertise, a senior project manager, with more than 10 years’ experience, will be assigned by PB2 in order to prepare the PB Reporting and 4 experts will work in pilot application of CBTB Brand which concerns the application of the new CBTB brand in at least 60 tourism enterprises per country. This means that a total of minimum 120 tourism enterprises will agree to apply the CBTB brand, will be certified for this and will be promoted accordingly. Each partner will be responsible for the implementation of the pilot action for its area of interest. The pilot action will require a team of the branding experts who will guide the selected tourism enterprises on the steps to follow and who will certify them for the use of the brand. The total budget for both budget lines, staff cost and external expertise & services, of PB2 is € 167.762.

PB3 – Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Vlora

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Vlora will assign one project manager as a focal communication point. The Project Manager of PB3 will work in 4 project meetings, in PB Reporting, in Project Website, in the Annual Gastronomy Festival in Vlora, in the application of the CBTB Brand and in collection of evaluation grids. One accountant will be assigned by the PB3 to work in PB3 Reporting and one economist, or other staff member with proven experience in economics and business administration who will work in 4 project meetings, in the application of CBTB Brand in order to prepare the list of the tourism enterprises that will be included in the pilot action and in the preparation/ collection of the evaluation grids and the preparation of the report. One staff member with proven experience or expertise in the field of public relations and/or organization of events will be assigned by PB3 to work in the Annual Gastronomy Festival in Vlora and in the design and development of CBTB Brand.
In the frame of The budget line External Expertise and Services, PB3 will cover the cost of 3 international speakers (travel, accommodation and fee) who will participate in the International Closing Conferences in Grevena, the cost concerning the organization of one Annual Gastronomy Festival in Albania, the cost for the organization of info-days, the cost which concerns the organization of 2 separate workshops and the cost of participation in the B2B event in Grevena through the travel and accommodation expenses for 50 representatives of enterprises. Finally, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Vlora will hire a senior project manager, with more than 10 years’ experience, in order to prepare the PB Reporting and 4 experts who will work in the pilot action concerns the application of the new CBTB brand in at least 60 tourism enterprises per country. This means that a total of minimum 120 tourism enterprises will agree to apply the CBTB brand, will be certified for this and will be promoted accordingly. Each partner will be responsible for the implementation of the pilot action for its area of interest. The pilot action will require a team of the branding experts who will guide the selected tourism enterprises on the steps to follow and who will certify them for the use of the brand. The total budget for both budget lines is € 88.422.

PB4 – National Coastal Agency (Gjirokaster)

The National Coastal Agency (Gjirokaster) will assign one project manager as a focal communication point. The Project Manager of PB4 will work in 1 project meetings, in the PB Reporting, in the design and development of CBTB Brand, in the application of the CBTB Brand and in collection of evaluation grids. One accountant will be assigned by the PB4 to work in PB4 Reporting and one economist, or other staff member with proven experience in economics and business administration will be assigned by the PB4 to work in the one Project meeting, in the Project Website and in the application of CBTB Brand.
As External Expertise & Services, PB4 aims to spend €1.800,00 per speaker for a maximum of 2 international speakers, covering the travel, accommodation and fee. Furthermore, PB4 will cover the cost for transportation of products and people for the representation of the local market (10 people travel and accommodation) in the Annual Gastronomy Festival in Corfu as well as in the Annual Gastronomy Festival in Vlora. Moreover, the National Coastal Agency will cover the cost for the organization of info-days, the cost which concerns the organization of 2 separate workshops in Albania and the cost for PB4 who will participate in the event through the travel and accommodation expenses for 30 representatives of enterprises who will participate in the B2B event in Grevena. Finally, PB4 will assign a senior project manager, with more than 10 years’ experience, in order to prepare the PB Reporting and 4 experts will work for the pilot action which concerns the application of the new CBTB brand in at least 60 tourism enterprises per country. This means that a total of minimum 120 tourism enterprises will agree to apply the CBTB brand, will be certified for this and will be promoted accordingly. Each partner will be responsible for the implementation of the pilot action for its area of interest. The pilot action will require a team of the branding experts who will guide the selected tourism enterprises on the steps to follow and who will certify them for the use of the brand. The total budget of National Coastal Agency for human and financial resource requirements is €60.665.

PB5 – ECO-Partners for Sustainable Development 

The PB5 will assign one project manager as a focal communication point. The Project Manager of PB5 will work in the 1 Project meetings and in the PB Reporting and one accountant will be assigned by the PB5 to work in the PB5 Reporting, too. In addition, one economist, or other staff member with proven experience in economics and business administration will be assigned by the PB5 to work in the 1 Project meetings, in Project Website, in the Communication Plan and in the identification of common traditional products.
In the frame of the budget line External Expertise and Services, PB5 will assign 1 senior expert who will collect the respective information for Albania for the identification of common traditional products of cross-border area. Moreover, another one senior expert will be hired by PB5 who will work for the definition of traditional breakfast of the c/b area. Furthermore, PB5 will assign to a team of 4 junior experts to collect all the information and data that will be included in the mobile application, based on the project’s deliverables and secondary research. In addition, a communication experts’ team will be hired by PB5 to design and manage all pages and profiles in respective social media during the whole project duration and after the first 6 months. One junior software developer and 1 senior software developer will work on the application and they will develop a smart and attractive application for the CBTB project and brand. Finally, PB5 will assign to an expert in legal and copyright issues to design the memorandum of cooperation that will be signed by all project beneficiaries. The total budget of PB5 for both budget lines, staff and external expertise & services, is €40.889.

The Project is co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund and by national funds of the countries participating in the Interreg IPA II “Greece-Albania 2014-2020” Cooperation Programme.

This webpage has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The contents of the webpage are sole responsibility of Chamber of Grevena and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union, the participating countries the Managing Authority and the Joint Secretariat.

The Cooperation Programme INTERREG IPA II «Greece-Albania 2014-2020» is co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and national funds of the countries partcipating in it